About uS
Toronto Chinese Evangelical Ministerial Fellowship (TCEMF) is a nonprofit organization, formed by the co-workers of the Chinese churches and parachurch organizations of Toronto and surrounding areas, who subscribe to our Statement of Faith. Through mutual prayer, encouragement and experience sharing, our aim is to promote gospel ministry within the Chinese communities. We hold evangelistic meetings and revival meetings each year. We also organize social concerns activities as necessary.
多倫多華人福音教牧同工團契是由多倫多市及鄰近地區﹐持守相同信仰立場 之華人教會暨福音機構同工組成之不牟利團體。藉著彼此代禱,互相勉勵並交換工作經驗,以促進華人福音事工為目的。我們每年舉辦培靈會及佈道會﹐並且按著需要籌辦社關活動。
Contact us
25 – 145 Royal Crest Court, Markham
Ontario, Canada L3R 9Z4
2025 TCEMF Executive Committee
主席 Chairperson:
吳余華牧師 Rev. Yuhua Wu
副主席 Vice Chairperson
彭偉賢牧師 Rev. James Pang
文書 Secretary:
曾炳海牧師 Rev. Binghai Zeng
財政 Treasurer:
王律傳道 Pastor Luke Wang
社關 Social Concern:
鄭建文牧師 Rev. Raymond Cheng
聯誼 Members Relation
程暉傳道 Pastor Luke Cheng
佈道 Evangelism:
蔡家愉傳道 Pastor Judy Choy
粵語組 Cantonese:
湯邱佩華博士 Dr. Teresa Tong
國語組 Mandarin:
謝章響傳道 Pastor Samuel Xie
英語組 English:
鄧浩然牧師 Rev. Joel Tang
華福代表 CCCOWE Representative:
譚文鈞牧師 Rev. Dr. Francis Tam