
隨著近年因香港來的人口增加所帶動的福音機會,華人基督傳道聯會(ACEM)與多倫多華人福音教牧同工團契(TCEMF)將於2024年7月5-7日聯合舉辦大多巿粵語福音聚會「移加遇見祢 I CAN See You」,講員是來自香港的陳恩明牧師。


移加遇見祢 I CAN See You






North York (Chinese) Baptist Church
685 Sheppard Avenue East

Toronto, ON, M2K 1B6





Toronto Christian Community Church
100 Acadia Avenue
Markham, ON, L3R 5A2





Richmond Hill Christian Comm. Church
9670 Bayview Ave

Richmond Hill, ON, L4C 9X9

大會講員 Speaker

宣傳媒體 Media

前40天禱告 40 Days of Prayer 

2024年7月5-7日粵語福音聚會「移加遇見祢 I Can See You」,會前40天7月3-7日禱告事項

1. 求主保守潔淨使用這次福音聚會,叫被邀請或從媒體得知消息的,抓緊機會參加聚會,叫面對新環境挑戰、在失落徬徨中的、需要人生方向的有機會聽到福音、得蒙拯救、有永生的盼望;

2. 為講員陳恩明牧師有從神而來的信息、聖靈的能力、健康的身心靈;三天聚會各個環節、Chit Chat對談、JnX的詩歌,都能配搭順暢傳達整全的福音;

3. 為負責7月7日兒童節目的同工和團隊禱告,賜導師們愛心和智慧,讓孩子們透過活動能夠認識並接受福音;

4. 為籌備團隊、各服事弟兄姐妹禱告,求聖靈引導使各同工有智慧、美好的配搭,叫各項目能順利進行;

5. 求主保守巿集的運作和信仰攤位讓參加者體驗到耶穌的愛和大家庭的溫情;

6. 求主預備合適的陪談員,賜各人合宜的話語把福音精簡解釋清楚,並以愛心跟進、幫助引導決志者投入教會,在主裡成長,活出新生命;

7. 求主復興眾教會,叫屬他的兒女有傳福音、救靈魂的心志,願我們透過個人生活的見證,活出基督的樣式;讓我們一起為被邀請的親友提名禱告,願聖靈動工,賜他們敞開的心靈接受福音,願意認罪悔改接受耶穌基督的救恩.

他對我說:「這是耶和華指示所羅巴伯的。萬軍之耶和華說:『不是倚靠勢力,不是倚靠才能,乃是倚靠我的靈,方能成事。』 (撒迦利亞書 4:6)

2024 July 5-7 Cantonese Gospel Event ‘I Can See You’, 40 Days of Prayer, July 3-7 Prayer Items

1. May the Lord protect and sanctify the Gospel Event, pray that those being invited or learnt of the event through various media will make it their priority to attend. May they find hope in the Good News, and assurance of eternal life as they face the challenge of starting a new life in an unfamiliar environment.

2. Pray for the speaker, Rev. YoungMan Chan, may he be filled by the Holy Spirit, grant him message to share the Gospel clearly. May all items in the programme, including Chit Chat and music, work in harmony that hearts be touched and lives be transformed by the Good News.

3. Pray for the July 7 Children program. May the Lord grant the leader and volunteers love and wisdom to effectively share the Gospel with the children, that many will understand and commit to follow Christ.

4. For the organizing committee, and all volunteers. May the Holy Spirit guide them, grant them wisdom and perseverance, unity and partnership, that the event will proceed smoothly.

5. May the Lord grant smooth operation of the Market place and the Faith FAQ booth, that seekers will experience the love of Christ and warmth of the big family.

6. May the Lord call and prepare counsellors that they have appropriate words to concisely and clearly explain the gospel, follow up with love, and help guide the new believers to join the church, grow in the Lord, and live a new life.

7. May His church be revived and God’s children have the zeal to reach out to lost souls. May our lives reflect the beauty of Christ. Let us pray for the seekers by name, that they have an open heart to come and see, confess their sins, repent, and accept Christ as their personal Saviour.

 ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ Says the Lord of hosts.

Zechariah 4:6


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Thank you for your support to TCEMF.
Our budget this year for TCEMF, including  evangelical meetings and revival meetings,  will be approximately CAD$60,000.
We give thanks to God for your kind offering.
Tax deductible receipt will be issued for donation of $20 and above.  Thank you in advance!

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