




(Toronto Christian Community Church)
100 Acadia Avenue, Markham ON L3R 5A2

大會講員 Speaker


劉志雄長老,美國資訊系統博士(PH.D information System),電腦軟體研發高級主管,擁有數項美國電腦軟體專利。常在北美及歐洲、亞洲、澳洲擔任夏令營會講員。負責螞蟻基金會,默默地在教育、家庭婚姻輔導訓練、救災扶貧等方面幫助中國。著作近20種。譯有《見證的火炬》、《耶穌真貌》等。著有《優秀是訓練出來的》、《牽手一世情》、《優秀父母的6堂訓練課》、《孝敬父母:第一條帶應許的誡命》、《當男孩愛上女孩》、《活得精彩:真正不一樣的人生》等。

宣傳媒體 Media

 会前40天祷告 40 Days of Prayer 

大多市国语布道会筹备 会前40天祷告

大多市国语布道会筹备小组鼓励各教会参与会前40天的祷告,求神预备和使用是次布道会。 鼓励你们教会全程参与祷告,也可以认领某一个或几个礼拜的祷告。 我们会于每礼拜二把接下来一个礼拜的祷告事项发给大家。




1) 把你们的弟兄姐妹和邀请到的朋友带到你们的教会,一起收看本次布道会在YouTube 的实时现场直播。

2) 把你们的弟兄姐妹和邀请到的朋友带到你们教会用的zoom 中,大家一起在Zoom 看YouTube同步直播。



请特别注意,如果没有报名,我们不会在布道会期间提供YouTube 的链接。该链接只在布道会结束之后才会公布。



直播联络:吴余华牧师 647-338-6975,邓之宁传道 Hansen  905-479-2236 内綫300

TCEMF 2024 Mandarin Evangelistic Meeting, 40 Days of Prayer

The 2024 Mandarin Evangelistic Meeting Organizing Committee encourages all churches to participate in 40 days of prayer. Weekly prayer items will be sent out on Tuesday.

Thank you all for your participation.

May the Lord sanctify and use the upcoming evangelistic meeting.

To participate in live streaming

In view that it may be inconvenient for every church to join the meeting at the main venue, you may sign up as satellite site for live streaming.

Please note that you have to register in order to receive the YouTube links. The links will only be provided to registered churches and is not to be shared. The link will be posted after the crusade.

Thank you all for your understanding and cooperation.

To sign-up, please contact:

The 2024 Mandarin Evangelistic Meeting Organizing Committee

Live streaming: Rev. Yuhua Wu 647-338-6975, Pastor Hansen Deng 905-479-2236 ext. 300

祷告事项 Prayer items


1. 為眾信徒有傳福音、拯救靈魂的熱心禱告,讓我們用諸般的智慧、個人生活的見證邀請未信親友參加;

2. 求聖靈在慕道朋友的心裡動工,預備他們有敞開的心靈接受福音信息,願意認罪悔改接受耶穌基督的救恩;

3. 求主預備合適的陪談員,賜給各人有合宜的話語把福音精簡解釋清楚,並以愛心跟進、幫助引導決志者投入教會,在主裡成長,活出新生命;

4. 為講員劉志雄長老(成人)和Pastor Teresa(兒童)有健康的身體和活潑的靈命禱告, 求主看顧保守;求聖靈充滿講員,賜給他們從神而來的信息,使他們帶著聖靈的大能傳講耶穌基督拯救罪人的好消息;

5. 求神使用報章、視頻、社交媒體等,讓未認識耶穌的朋友得到佈道會的消息,願意撥時間參加;

6. 為籌備組禱告,求聖靈引導使各同工有屬天的智慧和耐心,有周詳的安排,叫佈道會能順利進行;

7. 求主賜智慧能力給各領唱團隊,有聖靈引導讓詩歌配合信息,傳達福音;

8. 求神感動偏遠不方便到主會場參加佈道會的教會,願意參與作為直播會場,讓更多的人可以聽到福音並得到跟進栽培。

TCEMF 2024 Mandarin Evangelistic Meeting, 40 Days of Prayer, April 24- April 30 Prayer Items

1. Pray for all believers to have the enthusiasm to reach out to lost souls. May our lives bear good testimony that whoever invited are willing to attend;

2. May the Holy Spirit work in the hearts of invited friends, open their hearts to receive the gospel, and willing to confess their sins, repent, and accept the salvation of Christ;

3. May the Lord call suitable counsellors, give them appropriate words to concisely and clearly explain the gospel, follow up with love, and help guide the new believers to join the church, grow in the Lord, and live a new life;

4. Pray for the speakers, Elder Peter Liu (evangelistic meeting) and Pastor Teresa Tong (children). May the Lord watch over them, the Holy Spirit fill them and grant them message from above to share the saving grace of Jesus Christ;

5. May the Lord use newspapers, videos, social media, etc. that the news of the evangelistic meeting reaches the nonbelievers; may the Holy Spirit move them to join the EM;

6. For the organizing committee, pray for guidance, wisdom, and perseverance from the Holy Spirit, that the co-workers will have wisdom and patience, covering the details so the evangelistic meeting be conducted smoothly;

7. Pray for the singing teams, may the Holy Spirit guide them that the songs work with the message to convey the gospel;

8. Pray that churches that are unable to join in person at the main venue will sign up for live streaming at their own location, so that more seekers may hear the Gospel, receive followed-up and be built-up.

奉獻支持 Supporting us 


Thank you for your support to TCEMF.
Our budget this year for TCEMF, including  evangelical meetings and revival meetings,  will be approximately CAD$60,000.
We give thanks to God for your kind offering.
Tax deductible receipt will be issued for donation of $20 and above.  Thank you in advance!

Copyright ©  TCEMF 2024